An “Expansive” Update
If you’ve been following our stories on Social Media, you know that the studio is in the middle of an expansion into the unit next door to ours. The work is well under way and we’ve already started teaching classes in our beautiful, spacious, new Dance Studio room. The walls have come down between units in the reception area and the back studio, and we’re on our way to having new poles installed in our second pole studio which will be in the newly expanded back studio space.
With the physical expansion underway, we’ve also been hard at work coming up with exciting new class offerings to also expand our schedule and fill up all that shiny new space. We’ve listened to your feedback and we’re thrilled to introduce lots of new classes for the May/June term, as well as adding more of your current favourites.
When Will Registrations Open for May/June?
With all the additions and improvements we’re making, registrations for May/June will be opening a few days later than usual. Early registration for those on our signature Chrysalis, Monarch, and Kaleidoscope memberships will open on Friday, March 31, via email. Watch your inbox for more details. General online registration for everyone else will open on Wednesday, April 5. Watch the Curriculum Class Registration page on our website for the schedule to be posted in the coming days.

What to Expect on the May/June Schedule
New 8 Week Curriculum Series
Beginner Heels Dancing (NEW! Now being offered as a curriculum class):
Show off your sass and bring out your sexy. Beginner Heels is an 8 week progressive introduction to this iconic dance style, made popular by artists such as Beyoncé and Yanis Marshall. This class offers a mix of foundational steps, basic movement patterns, combos, and choreography designed to build strength and get you feeling comfortable & confident dancing in heels!
In the first half of the term, you will learn new moves and combos, and in the second half you will put those combos together into a choreographed routine which will be filmed in the final class (participation in filming is optional). No previous dance or heels experience required.
Age 18+ (Teens aged 16-17 may join with written parental permission. Please contact the studio to inquire).
Circus Exploration :
Circus Exploration is an Adult play-based class meant to explore prop manipulation and apparatuses not included in our regular curriculum classes. Students will learn basic skills on Lollipop Lyra, Corde Lisse, Tippy Hoop, and other new disciplines and apparatuses. Please note, there will be apparatus sharing in this class.
Pre-requisites: Participation in the Circus Exploration class requires a minimal experience in Intermediate Fabrics, Intermediate Bar, or Intermediate Pole in the Brass Butterflies curriculum, or equivalent. Please contact the studio if you are transferring from another studio.
Baby, I’m Your Biggest Fan - Burlesque Ostrich Feather Fan Choreography
Experience the glamor of one of classic burlesque's staples - the ostrich feather fan. Over this 8 week series, learn the artistry and elegance of the fan tease through fun and sexy burlesque choreography with your very own pair of fans! Be inspired by classic burlesque performances and indulge in a playful journey of creative movement and sultry confidence. Come join us for a unique and unforgettable class!
This class is recommended for those who have already learned the basics of burlesque, however experience is not required.
Please note, there is an additional one-time investment of approximately $155+HST (final cost to be calculated based on studio’s costs) above the class fee, which buys you a set of fans that you get to keep. This a pass through cost; the studio is not marking up the fans and If you have your own set of fans, please contact the studio so we can let you know if they will be appropriate for the class in which case you can waive this fee and bring your own.
MORE Curriculum Enrichment Classes
Pole and Aerial Enrichment Classes and Clinics are classes that fall into one of our core curriculum disciplines (pole, aerial, specialty dance) and they enhance or explore outside the foundational skill progressions of the curriculum. As the name suggests, these classes are designed to “enrich” and expand upon our core curriculums. Most of these classes will have curriculum prerequisites, however they are not required to progress to higher levels in the curriculum. These classes do not have to be registered for in a series. You can attend them “one-off”, assuming you meet the prerequisites. They can be thought of as mini-workshops.
These classes and clinics will be offered on a rotational basis in certain spots on the schedule, and most will not be offered every week (though some will), so look carefully at the schedule for the whole term to see all the Enrichment classes that are being offered.
New Curriculum Enrichment Classes to Watch For in the May/June Term
Spin Pole Clinics (Beginner/Intermediate and Advanced +)
Low Flow
Floorwork (Open Level)
Levelled Pole Heels Classes (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced+)
These are not choreography classes, but classes that will explore core curriculum skills and combos in pole heels!
Nemesis Move Pole Clinics
Sitting, Planks, and Laybacks
Basic Inversions
Shoulder Mounts
Ayesha/Cartwheel Mounts
Enrichment Classes You’ll See More Of During Peak Times:
Pole Flow and Choreo
Pole Flow and Choreo will now be offered on Wednesdays and Fridays. Each week the same instructor will off the same flow on both Wednesday and Friday night. Pick the time that works best for you, or attend them both if you want to really nail the choreography. Choreography style will be posted in advance.
Chair Dancing
Chair Dancing will be offered two Thursdays per month and might pop up in other time slots along the way.
Improved Pricing Starting May 1, 2023
Along with the exciting new additions to the class schedule that will be launching in May, we’re thrilled to announce changes to our pricing for Non-curriculum classes, Curriculum Enrichment classes, and Open Practices that will make booking classes and practices simpler and bring even more value to our already value-loaded memberships. Starting May 1, Non-Curriculum Classes, Enrichment Classes, and Open Practices will all be priced the same and you will be able to book them interchangeably using the same purchase options, multi-class passes, and membership credits. Enjoy even more flexibility to build your practice the way you want it. Visit the "About Our Classes”, “Class Pricing”, and "Membership” pages on our website to learn more.