Brass Butterflies loves providing opportunities for our students to experience performing in a semi-professional setting. Unfortunately shows like this one are costly to produce, and becoming more-so every year. Because of this, we are seeking help from our extended community. Your support through buying an advertising package or making a personal donation helps with the costs of producing shows like our Spring Circus Showcase in unique and exciting venues like the Conrad Centre for the Performing Arts, while keeping ticket prices as affordable and accessible as possible.
Read MoreAn update about the studio expansion and new classes and registration for the May/June 2023 term.
Read MoreThe studio is expanding and so is our team! Brass Butterflies is now hiring.
Read MoreAs we approach the studio’s 10th anniversary on December 1 and prepare for our big 10th Anniversary Showcases at the Conrad Centre later this month, I’ve been going through old photos, videos, emails and social media posts, and reliving all sorts of wonderful memories. I thought I might share some of them here. Our Story - Part I
Read MoreAre you interested in performing an act you created yourself (“DIY”) in one of our showcases this fall? Apply now!
Read MorePer our last update on April 30th, we have reviewed our mask policy, taking into consideration the results from the survey of our current clients which we conducted last week, we are announcing today that we will be moving to next phase of our COVID-19 reopening on Monday, May 30th.
Read More…In the March/April term, we will begin the transition away from scheduled, live online non-curriculum classes. We have reduced the weekly schedule down to two live online classes on Mondays. By the summer, provided conditions continue to improve and government restrictions continue to ease, we will have phased live online classes out.
Read MoreRegistrations for the Jan/Feb 2022 Term of Pole and Aerial Curriculum Classes for Adults, Youth and Kids are opening on THIS Wednesday (Decebmer 1), and we're bringing back our signature Chrysalis and Monarch value memberships. Click below to learn more about the NEW Brass Butterflies memberships.
Read MoreGuess what! We’re making a video showcase that will premiere the week before Christmas. This will be a FREE showcase that you can share online with your friends and family.
Read MoreWith the pandemic forcing aerialists and pole dancers to move their training onto the ground, and the massive shift to online fitness classes over the past year, choosing the best class to do in your living room can sometimes feel like scrolling endlessly through Netflix, looking for a good series to binge. It can be difficult to determine which sources are reliable, and which classes will best help you meet your fitness goals. Among these lists, somewhere in the Sports-Specific training category, is our “Ready to Fly” class. But what is Ready to Fly? And what makes it so special?
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